
The inclusion of gas and nuclear undermines the credibility of the EU Taxonomy

03 February 2022

Following the approval in principle of the Taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act [Link], Eurosif publishes its position regarding the inclusion of gas and nuclear in the EU Taxonomy.

Eurosif acknowledges the approval in principle of the Taxonomy Complementary Delegated Act (DA) and understands the political context and motivations which led to the inclusion of natural gas & nuclear energy in the EU Taxonomy framework. Nevertheless, we regret the probability that this decision will adversely impact both the credibility and usefulness of the framework for sustainable investors, thereby hampering the very objectives of the EU Green Deal it is seeking to support.

Eurosif wants to emphasize :

  • The credibility of the EU Taxonomy which this decision may undermine as well as diminishing its usefulness as an investment tool.
  • The doubts about the robustness of the Technical Screening Criteria for natural gas and nuclear energy activities.
  • The unecessary role of this complementary DA to make the climate mitigation and adaptation Delegated Acts work.
  • The likely incentive of the complementary DA on sustainable investors to finance natural gas and nuclear energy projects to a greater extent.


Contact details

Aleksandra Palinska, Executive Director –

Calum Thomson, Communications Officer –