
How to develop modern slavery risk framework


With the UK government, considering enforcement of anti-slavery efforts, ensuring your company is well equipped to identify areas of greater forced labour risk has never been more important.

Join our complimentary webinar on how to develop modern slavery risk framework with ABP Food Group’s People Change Director and NXP Semiconductors’ Senior Director Sustainability, Environment, Health & Safety: https://front-group.co.uk/modernslavery/webinar

Hear from the leading brands, such as;

  • ABP Food Group, People Change Director, Vanessa Di Cuffa
  • NXP Semiconductors, Senior Director Sustainability, Environment, Health & Safety Eric-Paul Schat
  • EDF, Head of Supply Chain, Andy Horne

Delve into the strategic issues to learn how to;

  • Design the process to identify areas of greater risk in your supply chain
  • Develop company-specific risk management model to frame and underpin the anti-modern slavery efforts
  • Secure appropriate resource allocation to handling modern slavery risk versus other human rights risks
  • Ensure that identified risks are addressed and your strategy leads to a clear action across departments

Sign up for this complimentary webinar here: https://front-group.co.uk/modernslavery/webinar