


Launching on Monday 28 November in Brussels, Belgium, Invest Week is a series of events focused on the European investment and growth agenda.

Invest Week aims to support the European institutions in delivering an Investment Plan for Europe, by providing a forum for the investment industry, public investment agencies, corporate investors, entrepreneurs and employee organisations to meet with policymakers and explore a positive agenda focused on Europe’s economic future.

Invest Week will provide a major platform for attracting investors and investment bodies from outside of Europe, promoting the strength of the world’s largest economic area as an investment destination.

Confirmed speakers currently include Jyrki Katainen, Vice President of the European Commission & Commissioner for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitivenes, Joseph P. Quinlan Managing Director & Chief Market Strategist at the U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management, Burkhard Balz MEP, Francesco Guerrera, Associate Editor, Chief Financial Correspondent, Politico and incoming CEO of Invest Europe, Michael Collins.

More details of the events being held can be found here.

Invest Week is supported by:


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