EFRAG appoints Flavia Micilotta as part of the European Lab Steering Group.
EFRAG, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group, published today the official list of the newly nominated members of the Steering Group for the new European Corporate Reporting Lab (the ‘European Lab@EFRAG’). The list comprises of 15 members from broad sectors and with diverse background. Their membership will be effective from 15 November 2018 and the appointment is for an initial term of two years, subjected to renewal with a maximum of 6 years.
With her technical expertise and broad experiences in the corporate reporting field, Flavia Micilotta, Eurosif Executive Director, is one of the members of the European Lab Steering Group. She comments 'The EU reporting lab is another crucial chapter of the EU Action plan on Sustainable Finance. I am extremely proud to be part of this Group and continue to contribute taking corporate reporting to the next level.'
You can read the full list here.
The European Corporate Reporting Lab has been established by EFRAG, following the call by the EC in its March Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth. The European Lab Steering Group will be responsible for setting the agenda of the European Lab, appointing the members of the European Lab@EFRAG’s project task forces, monitoring project implementation, promoting the European Lab@EFRAG and mobilising networks.
It will meet for the first time on 27 November and an inaugural networking reception will be held the same day.
Find the press release here.