
Eurosif  Newsletter April 2011

04 April 2011

Eurosif  Newsletter April 2011


In this issue: Eurosif launches Energy Efficiency Report Eurosif searches for new Executive Director EC launches Green Paper on Corporate Governance in listed companies

Eurosif Update

Eurosif Launches Energy Efficiency Report

On April 14, Eurosif’s Energy Efficiency Report was launched as part of the EU Sustainable Energy Week.  oekom research provided the research for this project, which was overseen by a steering committee of representatives from Bank Sarasin, CM-CIC Asset Management, Henderson Global Investors and Robeco. The report finds that when it comes to energy efficiency, some sectors have explored all possible options while other sectors have much room for improvement.  Real estate, manufacturing and transportation are the sectors with the largest energy-saving potential.  Read report.

Eurosif Searches for New Executive Director

The Eurosif Executive Director recruitment process has commenced, in partnership with a specialist agency. Eurosif has plans to open an additional Brussels office to manage its public policy initiatives and to be more accessible to the EU decision-making actors on ESG matters. An Events & Administrative Coordinator is also to be recruited by June 2011 to join Eurosif's Paris office.

Corporate Pension Fund Study in Progress

Eurosif’s 2011 Corporate Pension Fund Study is set to be published in September 2011. Questionnaires are now being distributed across Europe.  The aim of this survey is to examine to what extent European Corporate Pension Funds have incorporated ESG issues in their investment strategies.   If your organisation is interested in participating, please contact

Sponsorship Opportunities for Eurosif SRI Day

Eurosif Member Affiliates are invited to sponsor 2011 SRI Day, an event to be held in Brussels in the autumn as part of Eurosif’s renewed focus towards policy.  Please contact if you are interested.


Eurosif attends CEPS ECMI Rethinking Asset Management March 2, 2011, Brussels, BelgiumEurosif participates on panel at Investing in a Sustainable Future hosted by FT March 9, 2011, New York, USAEurosif and UKSIF partner for Emerging Markets Seminar March 21, 2011, London, UK Eurosif presents at Croatian Study Tour hosted by CSR Europe March 22, 2011, Brussels, Belgium Eurosif speaks at South East Europe Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Sources Congress April 13-15, 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria **** Eurosif to present at International Seminar on CSR hosted by Fundación Carolina May 3-4, 2011, Medellin, Columbia Eurosif to speak at Sustainable Emerging Markets hosted by C5 and RI May 24-25, 2011, London, UK Eurosif to speak at Course on International Labour Relations hosted by Eversheds May 24-25, 2011, Brussels, Belgium Eurosif to speak at the 2nd Croatian National CSR Forum June 6, 2011, Zagreb, Croatia Back to top.

EU Update

EC Launches Green Paper on Corporate Governance

On April 5, the European Commission has adopted a Green Paper on corporate governance in Europe which launches a public consultation (running until July 22, 2011) on possible ways forward to improve existing corporate governance mechanisms. The Green Paper contains three chapters: boards, shareholders and the comply-or-explain principle. Eurosif will submit a response to the consultation and Member Affiliates will receive a draft prior to its submission to the EC. Contact:

EC publishes the Single Market Act

The EC published on April 15, 2011 the official Single Mraket Act , which, among other policy proposals, states that the Commission will propose a legislative proposal on the transparency of the social and environmental information provided by companies, and confirms that the Commission will adopt in 2011 a Communication on CSR. Read the Single Market Act.

EU Roadmap for moving to a low-carbon economy in 2050

The European Commission published its roadmap to a competitive low carbon economy and acknowledges need for full power sector decarbonisation by 2050. The Commission is looking at cost-efficient ways to make the European economy more climate-friendly and less energy-consuming. By 2050, Europe could cut most of its greenhouse gas emissions. Read more. Back to top.

Member Affiliates News

AXA Investment Managers Fund Wins Label Excellence

AXA Investment Managers’ French AXA Euro Valeurs Responsables fund, whose cross-border clone AXA World Funds Framlington Eurozone RI has just been launched, has won the “Label excellence

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