Eurosif responds to the ESAP Consultation
12 March 2021
Eurosif, the European Sustainable Investment Forum, is very supportive of the initiative of the European Commission to create a European Single Access Point (ESAP). We think the successful development, design and rollout could help European financial markets tremendously in accessing sustainability-related data and therefore starting to price sustainability risks and impacts in financial decisions. To achieve this success though, we believe that a few key principles should be guiding the actions of the European Commission.
Read our full response to the ESAP consultation here.
Five Concrete remarks:
- The European Commission needs to have a clear & targeted objective, which clearly identifies the user group.
- The quality of information made available in the ESAP matters - it needs to be credible, compatible and verified (quality)
- It is important that the creation of the ESAP is sequenced well with other policies to guarantee the quality. (NFRD, EFRAG’s sustainability reporting standards, EU Taxonomy
- The accessibility of data will be key.
- The ESAP will certainly help but it will not be an alternative solution for the need to have more robust transparency around ESG data and rating providers. In turn, it could help data and rating providers to improve their services.
Read our full response here.
Find our press release here.