
How to integrate sustainability into financial markets? The Italian SRI community meets Europe

15 November 2017

On the 13th of November, a consultation meeting was held at Borsa Italiana in Milan between representatives of the Italian financial industry and some members of High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance. The conference was part of the Italian SRI Week, the most important initiative on sustainable investment in Italy promoted and organised by the Italian Sustainable Investment Forum (FFS).

The event is the Italian step of a Roadshow conceived by Eurosif, the leading pan-European organisation promoting sustainability through European financial markets. The initiative is aimed at circulating the recommendations expressed in the report and providing members of Sustainable Investment Forum (SIFs) with an opportunity for questions and discussions on the role of the EU in developing sustainable finance. The Roadshow includes a series of events taking place in the European cities where member SIFs are present, between September and the end of the year.

To find out more about how the event went, read the full press release here.