The Green Finance Taskforce report is out
The Green Finance Taskforce, headed by Sir Roger Gifford, Head of SEB UK, delivered yesterday, 28th of April a report with key recommendations, written in the record time of six months. The focus of the report is accelerating the growth of green finance and the low-carbon economy and it is centred around 3 key goals:
- Helping deliver the investment needed to meet the UK’s Industrial Strategy and Clean Growth Strategy;
- Further consolidate the UK’s leadership in financing international clean investment; and
- Maximise the opportunities to be had for UK businesses in this rapidly growing area.
The structure of the report is built around 10 themes and contains 30 recommendations geared toward ‘unlocking the private capital needed to make green finance more widely available throughout society’. The report makes interesting references to the EU High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, particularly regarding disclosure and links to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), the need to clarify investors roles and responsibilities when it comes to ESG issues and the need to carry out more work on the prudential regime and risks associated with ‘green’ and ‘brown’ assets.
UKSIF’s Fergus Moffatt, Programme Director and Head of Public Policy, prepared a detailed outline which links the finding of the report to important elements of responsible investments.