
VBDO launches Natural Capital and Finance consultation

28 June 2017
What is the Finance Sector Supplement?
The Finance Sector Supplement to the Natural Capital Protocol aims to provide financial institutions with guidance on how to incorporate environmental impacts and dependencies into their lending, investment and insurance decisions. The finance sector supplement is being developed by the Natural Capital Coalition, Natural Capital Finance Alliance and the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO).
What is the consultation?
The draft Finance Sector Supplement has been developed through a collaborative process, and consolidates the experience and expertise of a wide range of financial institutions. The consultation allows a broader range of organizations to contribute to the Supplements development.
How can I get involved?
The consultation is open until 25 August 2017.
The consultation is hosted via the online platform Collaborase. The platform allows users to comment on the body of the Draft, to view others’ comments, and respond to them.
You can register to access the consultation here.