Latest news

Eurosif warns Omnibus proposals risk undermining investment and competitiveness

What are sustainable investments?
The sustainable investment landscape is dynamic and fast evolving. Many diverging definitions have emerged from both market practices and regulatory frameworks. These range from flexible approaches covering a wide spectrum of objectives to more restrictive and stringent strategies.
Latest publications

Investor joint statement on Omnibus Legislation

Report: Scaling-up investments for sustainable growth

Eurosif response to EFRAG’s consultation on Sustainability Reporting Standards for listed SMEs (LSME)
Our policy priorities
Public policy is Eurosif’s main activity. Eurosif advocates at the EU Level for more responsible and sustainable finance. It is actively contributing to the EU sustainable finance agenda, acting as a privileged interlocutor of Public Institutions, practitioners, and NGOs. Our broad constituency ensures that various sensitivities, points of views and expertise are reflected in our policy recommendations and positions.
Sustainable finance disclosure regulation
Corporate sustainability due diligence
Corporate sustainability reporting directive
The Sustainable Investment Forums (SIFs) are membership-based sustainable and responsible investment organisations. They work to promote a broader adoption of Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) practices and more generally for a broader adoption of sustainability matters into financial markets and the investment chain.