Ownership Day 2017 – Climate Risk: Legal Materiality and Asset Owner Reactions
This year’s Ownership Day will be held on 27 April at FTSE Russell and will focus on the increasing materiality of climate change to investors. This discussion is a must for pension fund trustees attempting to keep up with an increasing number of clarifications, codes and guides outlining trustees' duty to take ESG factors into account. Just today The Pensions Regulator issued guidance for defined-benefit (DB) schemes making clear the "need" to consider financial material ESGissues such as climate change.
Join us to get clear on requirements, ask our experts questions and see how other asset owners are reacting to this greater clarification of legal fiduciary duty.
Legal Materiality
Natalie Smith – Lawyer, Company and Financial, Client Earth. Natalie will discuss the legal drivers that mean more schemes are considering climate change as a material factor.
Nico Aspinall – Chair, Environment and Resource Board, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. Nico will speak about the Board’s work to make sustainability issues mainstream in actuarial work and an overview of the IFoA’s approach to climate change more generally.
Will Compton – Investment Consultant, TPR (The Pensions Regulator) – to discuss TPR’s recent revision of the DC code and other work to ensure trustees are up to date with the current state of the law.
Asset Owner Reaction
Russel Picot – Special Adviser to the Taskforce on Climate-related financial disclosures. Russell will speak about the TCFD’s work including the recent recommendations, as well as expectations for outcomes and next steps.
Adam Matthews –Church Commissioners for England – Adam will discuss the Transition Pathway Initiative and its work in engaging companies on their preparations for the transition to a low carbon economy.
Faith Ward – Chief Responsible Investment and Risk Officer, Environment Agency Pension Fund. Faith will speak about the recent legal changes for LGPS funds including the new pools
We also hope to publish an updated version of our Understanding and Applying Fiduciary Duty, The Guide to feature new developments since this time last year including The Pensions Regulator updated guidance clarifying the need to take material ESG factors into account.
Support this guide as a sponsor and align your brand with a unique expert but accessible guide for asset owners on their legal duties around ESG consideration. Please contact Simon Howard or Charlene Cranny for more information.
To register for this event please email Ellie Stewart.