
Spainsif Annual Meeting supports the European SRI Transparency Code 4.0


On the 18th of June, the Spanish Sustainable Investment Forum, Spainsif, held its Annual Meeting. The event gave a great opportunity to support the European SRI Transparency Code – and now, we are happy to confirm that Spainsif Annual Meeting has approved the implementation of Eurosif's Transparency Code 4.0 in the SRI market in Spain! The Transparency Code 4.0 has been revised this year to include key elements of the recommendations made by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD), Article 173 of the French TECV Act and the recommendations of the High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance (HLEG), promoted by the European Union in its recent Action Plan on Sustainable Finance.

The endorsement of Spainsif aims at increasing the clarity of SRI practices among investors and recommends the commitment of its 62 associates with its principles.

To read Spainsif's press release, please click here.