
The Sustainable finance journey: Women leading the way

Tired of manels (panels with men only)? On the occasion of International Women's Day, the French SIF invites you to a 100% international and female speakers conference. Four members of the European Commission's High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Sustainable finance will come to Paris to share their vision and perspective on the development and future of sustainable finance in Europe following the recent release of HLEG's final report.
Join FIR on
Thursday, March 8th at 11.30 AM
at AG2R LA MONDIALE, 26 rue de Montholon, Paris
  • Julie Becker, Luxembourg, Head of International Primary Markets, Member of the Executive Committee, Luxembourg Stock Exchange
  • Arlene McCarthy, United Kingdom, Executive Director, AMC Strategy, former Member of the European Parliament (1994-2014)
  • Flavia Micilotta, Italy, Executive Director, Eurosif
  • Myriam Vander Stichele, Netherlands, Senior Researcher, SOMO
Laurène Chenevat, Policy and advocacy officer at Mirova and VP of French SIF will lead the debates and Bertille Knuckey, Head of Sustainable & Responsible Investment and Portfolio Manager at Sycomore AM, and VP of French SIF will close the conference. 

Please note that all debates will be held in English.

RSVP before Friday, March 2nd by email to contact@frenchsif.org