GSIA – Definitions for Responsible Investment Approaches report
Eurosif, as a member of the Global Sustainable Investment Alliance is happy to share a new report developed by the GSIA in collaboration with the CFA Institute and Principles for Responsible Investment, which aims to harmoinse definitions of approaches to reponsible investment.
The revised definitions cover the following key areas:
• Screening
• ESG integration
• Thematic investing
• Stewardship
• Impact investing
This resource is intended for investors, regulators, policymakers, and other market participants. It describes the concepts that define each responsible investment approach, rather than criteria for product labeling or categorisation. The responsible investment approaches defined in this paper are not mutually exclusive and, in practice, are often used in combination. This resource aims to harmonise existing terms and definitions—not create new terms or meanings.
You can read the full report below.