
POLSIF joins Eurosif as full member

09 October 2024

Eurosif is delighted to welcome the Sustainable Investment Forum Poland (POLSIF) as its eleventh full member.

POLSIF is the fifth sustainable investment forum to join Eurosif as a full member in the last two years, marking a nearly 50% increase in our membership during this period. POLSIF is also the second SIF from the Central and Eastern European (CEE) region to attain full membership, following on from CzechSIF in 2023. This is a significant milestone, both in the growth of Eurosif as a truly pan-European association, but also in the development of the sustainable investment and finance industry in Poland, and the wider CEE region.

Commenting on POLSIF becoming a full member of Eurosif, Nathalie Dogniez, Chair of Eurosif, said: “We are really delighted to welcome POLSIF to Eurosif and to count the organisation among our members. The rapid growth of POLSIF is evidence of the dynamism of sustainable investing in Europe and we expect that POLSIF will contribute to Eurosif’s network and activities with valuable insights and perspectives on sustainable developments in the Central and Eastern European region.”

Krzysztof Kaminski, Chairman of POLSIF said: We are thrilled that the Sustainable Investment Forum Poland has been officially accepted as a member of Eurosif. This significant milestone not only acknowledges our commitment to driving sustainable finance in Poland but also solidifies our role within the broader European community working towards responsible and sustainable investments. By joining Eurosif, we gain access to a vast network of like-minded organisations, enabling us to contribute to shaping policies, sharing best practices, and promoting sustainable investment standards across Europe. This collaboration is a powerful step in strengthening Poland’s position in sustainable finance and advancing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles across industries. We look forward to actively engaging with Eurosif and its members in accelerating the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive economy in Europe.”

Read the full press release below.